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Bulk SMS for Travel Agencies & Tour Operators

The modern generation prefers text communication. Statistics indicate that SMSes are opened within 3 minutes in 90% of cases. Users spend more than five hours a day on their smartphones and you should use this possibility to notify them.

To build a new customer base, you should work with brand awareness by posting ads on social media and on your website. Using forms where a potential client must indicate his email or phone number helps to enrich the clients’ base. It gives you more possibilities to contact the audience.

Working with the customers who have already tried your product or service makes the campaign more effective because clients are ready to speak with your brand. It is easier to resell a product if it is of good quality. When the consumer does not need to tell about its benefits, you just need to offer an additional profitable deal or improved product/service and the client is already yours.

Your main goals: to get the client or make them come back to you, again and again, increasing your revenue.

How: inform customers about new benefits and opportunities.

What you have for it: a formed base of customers who have already agreed to receive your SMS and use their mobile numbers.

Let’s revise how you can do it for your chosen type of business!

How travel agencies can use SMS marketing: use cases

Travel agencies often prefer expensive and prestigious advertising channels, underestimating the simpler but equally effective ways to attract customers. In this instance, we are talking about SMS marketing for travel agencies. If we analyze the costs, then the price of just one sold voucher fully covers the cost of the advertising campaign via SMS texting. As well for the same time, the result of the SMSes exceeds all expectations.

SMS marketing for travel agencies is becoming more popular, as it makes it possible to directly keep in touch with the client.

The next step is choosing a comfortable and useful service for sending SMS. With AtomPark SMS marketing Service you receive more than you pay. Also, our service has some benefits such as timely sending with a convenient schedule you can customize for yourself, taking into account all the details.

In addition, using Atomic Lead Extractor, you can obtain contact information from your site. Email addresses, phone numbers, such as Skype, MSN, AOL, Yahoo, and ICQ IDs, will be extracted from the site through Atomic’s extractor service. Inside 39 search programs, the software gathers contacts. The web extractor of the phone number comprehends modified and generated scripts and searches for contacts on all sites available. You will also have the chance to check for unwanted sites or search engines. The phone number extractor has the potential to create a blacklist and add domains or pages from which you have no need for contacts to do it.

Atomic Lead Extractor scans and retrieves data rapidly through evaluating simultaneously several methods. You can set the number of threads by setting limits when loading links.

Few steps of your marketing

  • Write a text SMS inviting clients to follow your brand on social media. So you will be able to interact with customers on a platform convenient for them at a convenient time. Tell them about the properties of your product.
  • Register at your own account at AtomPark service.
  • Choose the tariff plan you like (you can try it for free: first 10 messages without filling any numbers or your credit card).
  • Upload the database of numbers to the bulk SMS service (with the help of Atomic Lead Extractor it will be easier).
  • Make an SMS campaign on the base of your contacts.
  • Track the effectiveness of the campaign to find out how many customers received the texting SMS and how many of them subscribed to the communities.

It is exceedingly necessary to integrate SMS mass texting service into your existing market strategies.

Let’s take a look into the ways how travel agencies are using SMS marketing for their business.

First, you should be guided by several simple rules:

  • the clear written text,
  • a brief summary of the key material,
  • non-spamming (if you abuse this type of marketing by simply sending ads, then your client will abandon you).

Types of texting SMS you can send

  1. Promotions and discounts

    Keep your customers informed about new promotions, discounts, and great deals. For example, last hours tours at a reduced price with a limited time to purchase this product. This method will help the client quickly make a choice and will not cost you a fortune.

  2. Congratulatory SMS

    More tours are purchased closer to the holidays, so it will be a good marketing play to remind yourself on the eve of the holiday by offering holiday discounts. Congratulations on a birthday to your clients can make them feel you care for them, giving special propositions or discounts in honor of the holiday.

  3. News

    You can inform your clients about the latest traveling news such as:

  • Travel Guide (for clients who chose the tour);
  • Opening new offices (for easy access in different parts of the city);
  • Tours and last minute deals (the best decision for reaching sales);
  • Early booking option (to inform about the possibility of carrying the holiday vacation in advance).

  • Reminders

    People often forget some information due to their busy schedules. A simple SMS with a reminder of the departure date of the aircraft, the program of the tour, payment for the voucher or schedule of departure and arrival will not cause negative emotions in a person. On the contrary, it will help structure a person’s schedule.

  • The confirmation

    Thanks to SMS texting, you can make sure that the client definitely intends to purchase this or that service. Confirmation via texting SMS is a very convenient thing since phones are almost always near a person. Thus, you can request a confirmation for booking a tour or a confirmation of payment.

  • SMS texting for regular customers

    For customers, you have been interacting with for a long time, you can send exclusive offers to increase their loyalty. Such clients will definitely stay with you if you show how important they are to you.

  • Remember that writing a good message will help you not only retain your audience but also increase your capital.

    Stay on a shorthand with the consumer, but do not bore him with unnecessary information, then your brand will enjoy success among potential consumers and old verified customers.

    Let’s do it together!

    By the way to collect phone numbers we have a special software. You can collect phone numbers from website with this tool. And if you wandering how to extract email from pdf on PC we also have the same tool for this. Also we have developed software for email lists – simple mailing list manager. Using bulk mail tool, you can make mass mailings. When all emails are sent, track them conveniently with the email address tracker.

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