Download Atomic Lead Extractor for Free
and collect your first contact list in 5 minutes

48 downloads this month
Invalid number, Invalid country code, Too short, Too long, Invalid number, Please fill out this field
Searches for phone numbers on the Web
Extracts information from all types of sites
Works with 39 search engines
windows 7.8.10 clean100%

For 7 days, the main functions will be available to you with the following restrictions:

• there is no way to save the result of work

• view 50 extracted emails

Atomic Lead Extractor does not contain any malicious files, even if your antivirus software says otherwise.
Administrator rights are required to install and run the program.

Usually we are asked these questions about Atomic Lead Extractor:

How to use Atomic Lead Extractor?
You should have the Internet connection to use phone number extractor from website. Install the program, run it. Then specify the keywords or add the URLs you need and click 'Start'.
How can I set search engines?
For example, if you live in the USA, phone number extractor from website can be set for searching only for US websites. For this, choose 'Search engines' on the panel at the top of the window and put a tick opposite the 'Google US' option.
Does Lead Extractor collect only phone numbers from the web?
In addition to phone numbers, the program collects available personal information: for example, owners' names.
Is it possible to extract other contacts besides phone numbers?
Yes, it is. There are free plugins for fax numbers, MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ plugins and Skype extraction.
Can I get phone number extractor from website freeware?
There is a demo version. So, you can download phone number extractor from website freeware software. A free phone number extractor from website is active during 7 days after installation.