
Atomic Lead Extractor Customer support

If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ section of our web site. If you require further assistance please communicate with the tech support by visiting

AtomPark Software offers telephone, e-mail, web-based and live support for free to any web-site visitors or customers.

Unless noted, free technical support is provided in English only, during business hours Mondays through Fridays covering most of the Global time Zones.

Our response time is within 24 hours or less depending on your physical location and the complexity of the issue.

Online chat

Please click the button "Live Help" if you require more comprehensive response


  • +1-707-7098405

  • +44-02-032397742

  • +61-02-80033477

Please use the Online Feedback Form if you require more comprehensive response. We will research your technical issue and respond with as much detail as possible.

Online Feedback Form

Free technical support is provided in English, German, Italian and Russian.

See also

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